New Webinar! Should I Cut Off My Family? More information


Research Since 1966, at MRI we have been teaching, researching and putting into practice Brief Problem Solving Therapy. Since 2008, we have continued this work with Karin Schlanger, director and sole disciple of the creators of this therapy model. Papers Papers Books Books Blog Blog Research Since the birth of the Brief Problem Solving Model, […]


México Sede avalada por el Brief Therapy Center de Palo Alto; traemos a México la calidad de los entrenamientos presenciales y virtuales que durante años y con tanta eficacia hemos implementado desde Brief Therapy Center. Contacto Contacto Sobre nuestro modelo El Brief Therapy Center comenzó en 1967 en el Mental Research Institute (MRI) en Palo […]

Should I Cut Off My Family? Debunking the Relational Dilemma Plaguing Families

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