New Webinar! Should I Cut Off My Family? More information

Problem-Solving Brief Therapy

Exclusive offering for colleagues who have completed the BT Certificate.
Supervision of participant’s cases and 40 hours of group supervision. (Limited enrollment)

Corporate Services

We take care of the Mental Health of your people so you can focus on what you do best

Our Model

Problem-Solving Brief Therapy Model® Problem-Solving Brief Therapy is more than a model of therapy: it teaches practitioners to look at the world from a different point of view: how to change solutions that have unwittingly maintained the current problem The model of Problem-Solving Brief Therapy® is a form of looking at the challenges in life […]


Problem-Solving Brief Therapy® Training for professionals who want to lead their industry See more See more The Center’s most important services Our trainings We are different because we teach by focusing on the practical applications, not just theory. Our specialty trainings utilize real cases and high engagement with our trainers. We have specialized trainings of […]

Maika Merino

Este Diplomado en TBRP, no es solo aprendizaje de un modelo, sino del saber hacer en todo el proceso terapéutico. Los profesores de alto nivel, muy cercanos, profesionales y pedagógicos, te transmiten la pasión de su trabajo terapéutico desde el máximo respeto al cliente. ¡¡Totalmente recomendable!!

Gastón Iván

Gracias a todos por compartir sus experiencias y sobre todo a los profesores por sus conocimientos, el diplomado superó mis expectativas.

José Fernando

Un gran aprendizaje que me ha movido de mi lugar. Fascinante las clase con Karin, realmente una leyenda viviente y transmite la pasión por lo que hacemos.
Al resto del equipo, ¡¡¡gracias!!!

Should I Cut Off My Family? Debunking the Relational Dilemma Plaguing Families

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