New Webinar! Should I Cut Off My Family? More information

Supervision with complicated cases

Join us for a dynamic and interactive workshop designed to empower your therapeutic skills. In this hands-on session, participants are encouraged to bring a case for consultation. We will delve into the Problem Solving Brief Therapy (PSBT) approach, shedding light on how persistent holding patterns can hinder both clients and therapists. Our seasoned USA Director, […]

Cómo lograr más con menos. La buena práctica de la Terapia Breve

La buena práctica de la Terapia Breve de Resolución de Problemas. Cómo hacer más para el cliente en menos tiempo. Imparte: Karin Schlanger, directora del Brief Therapy Center de Palo Alto, presencialmente en Barcelona por 2 dias. Cuándo: Lunes 23 de octubre de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 20:00 Dónde: Barcelona, espacio por […]

Do you dare use paradoxes in your practice?

Unlock the potential of transformative change by challenging the conventional wisdom of problem-solving! This specialized workshop dives deep into the unique approach of Paradoxical Interventions, a hallmark technique in Problem Solving Brief Therapy. Gain insights into a groundbreaking methodology that adds a whole new dimension to the therapeutic process, allowing for outcomes that traditional methods […]

Do you dare use paradoxes in your practice?

Do you dare use paradoxes in your practice?

Can you use Paradoxes in Problem Solving Brief Therapy? For us, the answer is “yes, when indicated”, like any other intervention.  For some reason, the word Paradox is heard as a bad one when used in psychotherapy.  Psychotherapists usually believe that there are several considerations and potential reasons why they might use paradoxes cautiously. When […]

Panic attacks? Don’t Panic: we can help

Join us for an insightful and interactive workshop that delves into the realm of panic attacks. In this session, participants will embark on a comprehensive exploration of panic attacks from a distinct vantage point, fostering a transformative understanding of their nature and management. Led by experts from the Brief Therapy Center, this workshop offers a […]

How to improve the Mental Health Crisis in America: make treatments more effective

The United States is grappling with a crisis in mental health, one that has far-reaching implications for individuals, families and communities. In recent years, the prevalence of mental health issues has escalated to alarming levels, posing a significant challenge to the nation’s well-being and stability. One of the causes, we suggest is that the prevalent […]

AI for Eating Disorders. Come find out what we are about

A few weeks ago on the radio, while driving from one place to another, I heard an interesting and scary program. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) had to suspend its helpline for people suffering from eating disorders because, when they called, the chatbot powered by Artificial Intelligence was offering advice on how to go […]

Should I Cut Off My Family? Debunking the Relational Dilemma Plaguing Families

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